Saturday, November 7, 2009

STAR 07 Nov 09

I've read STAR last few days and found lots of interesting articles.Lost of its serious articles were about our earth.I realised that the global climate change has reached to the politicians over the world.Even Mr President of US,Barrack Obama is taking this serious:O Im really am thankful that everyone is taking steps.Its just that Malaysia is not yet taking a greater ways to reduce our carbon emission.Even if there is,they were volunteers playing a small part.Its just not enough.And another party who is taking greater ways is Penang Island..I LOVE IT!They always come out all kinds of ways to green the state.Its just that the Penang people just don't understand yet and is taking in their brains very slow.They think its a small matter but do they know that our sea water is rising 3 metre yearly.They can't run anywhere if the Island sinks.Death! Just hope that Malaysian awares.I don't think as I once saw the article that read 'Is plastic-free shopping possible?'Its stupid question.YES,IT IS!duh???Americans can do that,why not we?To me,for example,people in KL are just snob!i hate them.They are putting clothes from the same shop into different plastic bags.I saw it.

Enough already with the political riot and your self-conscious attitude!Forget yourself and remember the earthling!We should be thinking of our lives.hello,we are losing here!!!!If we can live longer,then u can continue with political stuff and your what-so-ever fashion or junkks longer.RIGHT?!Im pissed-off man!You people are so selfish,you're killing everyone!

Sorry!Im just angry.:-(For more information,visit