Saturday, March 27, 2010

I failed but i succeeded through talking

I'm kinda dissapointed that I,myself didn't take part fot the 60-HOUR event yesterday night as I had a tuition class but my parents off our home lights.Math!but I sent last minute messages to my friends and even teachers to off the lights.Know what!I actually forgot bout the event but my friend remind and that shows that my effort to spread the message to as many people as i could for the last few weeks,a worthwhile.

The response i get was good.(not confident to say i did an excellent work) Many remembered it.Quite a number of people did it today when I surveyed.
Actions that I took:
-managed to wrote the 60-Hour info on the white board of a few classes and people noticed it!
-Tell and tell and tell (until I lost count) people to remember the day
-Actually used my phone credits to sent the message to people
-Post it on blog,MySpace,Facebook and MSN.
-Sent a small piece of note telling my math sir to off the non-using lights for awhile but he didn't!nvm..
And I'm gonna do it again and i hope i get to take part like I did for last year.It was fun hanging out outside with my family and neighbours.

debate we had yesterday bout people and Earth HOUR